Independent Learning: Anytime & Anywhere
Both content and functionality are continuously expanded and implemented in accordance with the Swiss school curriculum. Teachers are also supported by
The Swiss publishing house profax has been a pioneer in autonomous learning since 1975 and has been offering e-learning solutions since 1988.
New here? – 4 steps to training!
Create a free account
You will receive an e-mail with the activation link.
Make sure that you receive e-mails with the sender
Check your SPAM folder if necessary.
Create users
After activating your account, you can log in with your e-mail address and password.
Enter students and teachers, for example by copy/paste from an existing school list.
Specify invoicing
As a school you can obtain authorizations by balance or on credit.
In both cases you will receive an invoice.
Purchase a credit balance to keep your payments within your budget. You will receive the invoice immediately.
If you obtain authorizations on credit, you will receive an invoice at the end of the quarter only if the balance is negative.
Assign and acquire authorizations
Assign authorizations to selected users so that they can use individual modules for one year.
Or take advantage of the Flatrate for 60 or more learners.
profax Flatrate
Rechnen mit Köpfchen
- Mehr als 9000 Aufgaben zum Kopfrechnen ab dem 6. Schuljahr
Latest news
Update für die Wortkartei – Hilfen für Admins
Die Wortkartei: Deutsch auf
- No installation necessary
- Registration free of charge
- No base fees
- No automatic renewals
- Free learning modules
- Works device-independently in a modern browser on desktop devices and tablets
- Very high level of data protection
- Schools and municipalities with 16 to over 30,000 learners